Actual Day Wedding Photographer Vs Pre-Wedding Photographer
Actual Day Wedding Photographers are photographers who follows the couple the whole day capturing the whole wedding event process starting from the time the bride doing the make-up at wee hours in the morning until late at night. Sometimes they spend 10 to 13 hours on the job snapping away.
Pre-Wedding Photographers are photographers who arrange the location, the lighting, the mood and the ambience to capture "posed" couples which will be used for the pre-wedding albums. They would capture plenty of images but only selected images will be given back to the client depending on which package they choose. Usually the brides would be engrossed with the wedding gowns which they have and would have to top-up additional payment for VVIP gowns or dresses and of course, if they want the rest of the images back, then the bride and groom would need to top up again. An average package for pre-wedding image which a bridal studio returns is around 30 to 40 poses. I wonder why they call it "poses"? Why not "image"?
But have you ever wondered which photographers is "valued" the most? Actual Day Wedding Photographers or Pre-Wedding Photographers? The answers from the wedded couples that I know said they "overspend" on pre-wedding packages and I have a few clients who came to me and says they cherished their "actual day" wedding images more than "pre-wedding". At the end of the day, the choice is yours!